In January 2025, I’m scheduled for three presentations at The Fly Fishing Show.
While I truly enjoy writing and recording podcasts, my favorite method of communication involves a live group of interested and invested people. I’m excited to be able to talk about some of the topics that I’m passionate about in Marlborough, MA and Edison, NJ. The two presentations revolve around different aspects of small stream tactics, and I think that everyone will get something out of them.
Of course, I’m certainly not the only show in town on those days. You can easily couple one of my appearances with a seminar from George Daniel, Tim Flagler, or Gary Borger. Frankly, I would not be offended if you tagged a stop in my room on to a day planned around anglers like those.
Regardless of how you get there, I’ll be honored if you attend. It would be great to meet you in person and have a conversation about fly fishing or anything else you’d like to share. Here are the details about the presentations at The Fly Fishing Show in Massachusetts and New Jersey: